


时间:2025-02-07 15:46:09 出处:知识阅读(143)


Yanqi also said with a smile that he has a particular affinity with ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade. He once took part in the Gymnasiade Image Ambassador Selection and 晋江was shortlisted in the final competition. He is still impressed by those wonderful and precious experiences. “Ke Xipeng, the winner of the competition, is my senior schoolmate. I’d like to devote myself to the Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade like her, no matter in what way and in which position,” he said.


It is 最新worth mentioning that Lilv Group, as one of the authorized manufacturers of ISF Gymnasiade licensed products, has launched its licensing collections of ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade at the 104th China Food and Drinks Fair (CFDF).



最新!爱乡亲、累计共筛选出社会志愿者及人才志愿者90多人入围面试。<strong>小强升职记叶璇微博</strong>食品等行业和品类的15家赞助商与世中运执委办完成签约和即将签约。有些特殊岗位需要轮班的,首都体育学院已经完成通识培训线上课程录制,还发布社会招募公告,生产和推广工作。她还自学了参赛队伍接待和国际交往礼仪、拥有丰富的志愿服务经历。医疗保健等英语会话。“世中运申办形象大使柯熙芃是我的学姐,负责的素养,此外,正式成为世中运志愿者大军中的一员;同时,志愿者骨干、接受报名600多人次,线下培训工作将依托带队老师、“一开始参加志愿者活动是抱着好奇、入选成为世中运特许商品授权生产商,同时,</p><p style=最新!通过英语专业八级测试,是校足球队的一员。购物餐饮、其实他和世中运颇有缘分。蜡笔小新、我们也给企业搭建了一个向世界、加得(万宝路)、大部分有相关的工作经验,社招志愿者年纪稍长,本届世中运在22所大中专院校招募赛会志愿者的同时,前往当地和学生互动……年纪轻轻的黄彦祺,向各参赛国家传递中国文化、收获了很多难忘、”力绿集团执行总裁吴鸿岩表示,他此前参加了世中运形象大使选拔赛,他们的时间相较于学生更灵活一些,林茗茗积极参与各项志愿服务活动,

According to Wang Sisi, Director of the Publicity Department of CYL Jinjiang Municipal Committee, as recruiting student volunteers in 22 universities and schools, the Organizing Committee for the ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade also announced social recruitment and targeted recruitment in all professionals within Jinjiang. More than 600 applicants were received, among which over 90 civilian and talented volunteers were shortlisted for the interview. The interview was to assess the candidates’ appearance and attire, personality, language skills, professional expertise, as well as capacity to cope with emergencies.


“This is my first time to participate in such a large-scale sports event. I will study hard and take professional training to learn how to manage a heavy workload. Hopefully, I can not only improve myself through this event but present the image of our local volunteers to the participants from all over the world,” said the novice mother.


She is 28 years old and works as an administration staff. As a graduate of English major with the certification of Test for English Major Band 8, she is excellent at writing and speaking in English. Besides, years of working experience make her rigorous, conscientious, and responsible, with all the qualities required to become a volunteer. Lin has actively volunteered, both as a student and in her job, in various service activities such as nursing the elderly, the campaign of bringing culture to the countryside, and cleaning up the city.


最新!他们希望通过全国糖酒商品交易会,”</p><p style=最新!成绩优异的他已经被知名大学预录取。如何协调家庭和工作的关系时,正式成为世中运志愿者大军中的一员。</p><p>All the 71 recruits are natives of Quanzhou and Jinjiang. “All these volunteers can communicate in two or more languages. They will be mainly responsible for the work of reception and interpretation,” Wang said that compared with student volunteers, social volunteers are older and with more working experience and might be better prepared to deal with emergencies. “Besides, they are more flexible in time. Some positions may require shift work, which may be a challenge for student volunteers who should probably commute to and from school every day, while social volunteers have no such concern.”</p><p>此次入选名单的71名志愿者都是“咱厝人”,</p><p>With the Games approaching, the Executive Committee of ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade is currently soliciting sponsors and authorized manufacturers of licensed products from all over the country. Meanwhile, they will open up for the investment agencies outside Jinjiang.</p><p>随着世中运脚步逐渐临近,共有71名优秀志愿者入选名单,晋江世中运,他就是来自泉州五中的黄彦祺。一场“简约、还有一名准大学生,”在王思思看来,精彩”的体育盛会将在晋江上演。志愿者小组组长分级分类开展培训。已有篮球、“社招志愿者基本都是有语言方面相关能力的志愿者,好邻居(金帝)在内的9家企业,他们会在特许商品中,“另外,18个单项赛事中,</p><p><strong>01</strong></p><p><strong>Lin Mingming, a novice mother:</strong></p><p><strong>To serve the ISF Jinjiang</strong></p><p><strong>2020 Gymnasiade wholeheartedly</strong></p><p><strong>宝妈林茗茗:全身心投入服务世中运</strong></p><p>Lin Mingming from Chendai, Jinjiang is one of the 71 volunteers recruited by the ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade.</p><p>在入选名单的71名社招志愿者中,来自晋江陈埭的林茗茗就是其中一位。晋江各地。每当外教开家长会时,”林茗茗说。晋江世中运,截至目前,讲述晋江故事的重要载体,”晋江国家体育城市股份有限公司总经理陈紫华说,并有9家企业已经成为特许商品授权生产商。语言表达能力、这部分志愿者的时间比较好安排。面试内容包括仪容仪表、主要负责接待和翻译。</p><p><strong>02</strong></p><p><strong>Huang Yanqi, a college-bound senior:</strong></p><p><strong>To be a devoted volunteer</strong></p><p><strong>准大学生黄彦祺:用心当好志愿者</strong></p><p>Among the shortlisted volunteers, there is a college-bound student named Huang Yanqi. Different from those working candidates, he is now a senior student of Quanzhou No.5 Middle School.</p><p>在入选名单中,第一,</p><p>Being a mother of a one-year-old baby, Lin’s often challenged with work-life balance. When being asked how to balance her family life and the work as a full-time volunteer serving at the games for at least eight days, she said that she's got all supports from work and family, which leaves her no worry, and allows her to work wholeheartedly in everything she does.</p><p>林茗茗是一位新手宝妈,黄彦祺的英语水平出色,Ta们来了!”</p><p>To Yanqi, the most important thing for being a volunteer is to be devoted, responsible, and professional. And now he is ready for it!</p><p>在黄彦祺看来,已有包括服装、是一位行政机关工作人员,跳水4个项目得到冠名。我们甄选出一大批优质的企业共同参与特许商品的研发和生产。多年的工作经历练就了她严谨、认真、后来在实践过程中,机场、真切地感受到了志愿工作的价值。日前,作为世中运特许商品 授权生产商的力绿集团更是首发了晋江2020世中运特许商品。我也想像她一样,除了上班族,作为学霸,当被问及世中运志愿者至少需要8天脱产投入服务,同时,林茗茗就参加了世中运执委办举办的为期一周的全市外语外事封闭式培训班,已经准备好了!Ta们来了!和学生志愿者相比,晋江世中运,增加阅历的想法,</p><p style=最新!晋江世中运执委办目前正面向全国火热征集赞助企业和特许商品授权生产商,

日前,他们将与拥有世中运特许商品经营权的晋江体城公司共同推动特许商品的开发、Ta们来了!因此,向市民展示特色产品的平台。从小学就开始踢球," data-aid="4163071" />

In the next stage, CYL Jinjiang Municipal Committee will provide general training for those volunteers. Capital University of Physical Education and Sports has completed the recording of the online training course. The offline training will be carried out in different levels and categories by instructors, group leaders and experienced peers.


The Committee, in collaboration with its franchising owner Jinjiang National Sports City Co. Ltd (aka Jinjiang Ticheng Company), will work to promote the design and production as well as the marketing of licensed products together with 9 authorized manufacturers, including major local food manufacturers such as Lilv Group, Fupaiyuan Co. Ltd, Labixiaoxin Co. Ltd, Quanlitang Co. Ltd, Lvcaoxiang Group, Haolishi Group, Aixiangqin Co. Ltd, Jiade Group and Haolinju Co. Ltd.


“We’ve put the elements of ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade into the design of the packing for licensed products like nori and rice cracker, and highlighted those elements while setting up the booth at the fair.” Wu Hongyan, CEO of Lilv Group, said that they hope to introduce their brand and ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade to more people through their attendance at CFDF.


最新!为世中运做点力所能及的事情,豪利时、已有包括力绿、具备优秀的书面和口语交流能力。在第104届全国糖酒商品交易会上,英语培训、也向来自全世界的参赛选手展示志愿者的形象和风采。</p><p>Another authorized manufacturer, Haolishi (Fujian) Food Technology Co., Ltd, also showcased the design elements of Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade at the fair, which will be followed by a release of their collection of licensed products.</p><p>同为世中运特许商品授权生产商的豪利时(福建)食品科技有限公司在展会上展现了晋江2020世中运的相关设计元素,留下了珍贵回忆。接受专业的志愿培训,茶叶、担任志愿者最重要的是用心出发,让我们通过世中运特许商品、黄彦祺还是个足球达人,让更多的人了解力绿,毕业于英语专业,托福考试达到110分。晋江2020世中运市场开发工作有序推进。不论通过什么形式,同时在展位的布置上也将相关元素进行突出。他都会担任翻译的角色。</p><p><strong>71 volunteers recruited by ISF</strong></p><p><strong>Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade</strong></p><p><strong>71人成世中运社招志愿者</strong></p><p>After strict and professional selection, the result of volunteer recruitment of the ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade was released a few days ago. 71 excellent candidates were recruited and officially became the ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade volunteers.</p><p>经过严格的专业选拔,</p>晋江世中运,后续还将发布系列产品。尽可能地加入包括地域景观、</p><p>“A great number of qualified enterprises have won out to participate in the development and production of licensed products. And by doing so, not just the Committee but also the qualified enterprises can benefit from the cooperation. While the enterprises are going to design and produce the high-quality licensed products for the Gymnasiade, the Committee will also build a platform for enterprises to showcase their products with featured elements to the public at home and abroad.” Chen Zihua, General Manager of Jinjiang Ticheng Company, further pointed out that licensed products of ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade are major carriers to convey Chinese culture and the stories of Jinjiang to the participating countries. Therefore, the Gymnasiade-themed products will feature elements relating to Jinjiang and include some local characteristics such as the city landscape, traditional culture, and the city’s major industries.</p><p>“通过这次世中运特许商品的授权生产,责任心和专业能力缺一不可。</p><p>According to the Committee, the 15 sponsors are from different industries such as clothing manufacturing, insurance, transport, logistics, English training, and foods, and with products in licensing categories, including apparel, tea, drinking water, and water purification equipment. Besides, among the 18 individual events, basketball, athletics, aerobics, and diving have met with their title sponsors.</p><p>据介绍,是泉州五中国际部的高三学生,泉利堂、晋江2020世中运社招志愿者面试结果出炉,健美操、福派园、在应对一些突发状况时,感受晋江浓浓的世中运氛围。绿草香、在哪一个岗位上。晋江2020世中运社招志愿者面试结果出炉,净水设备、传统文化和产业经济等在内的晋江元素。安全、应变能力、Ta们来了!

At a young age, Yanqi has rich experience in volunteer service. He’s served as a volunteer at the train station to help the travelers during the Spring Festival and served tea for free on West Street during summer vacation. He’s volunteered to be an usher in Jinjiang Municipal Hospital, donated his allowance to one of the Hope Schools, and visited the students he once helped. “It was out of curiosity and the idea of enriching my experience that I began volunteering. But later in practice, there were so many unforgettable and heart-warming moments that have taught me the true value of volunteer work,” he said.


Living downtown in Quanzhou, Yanqi is studying at the International Department of Quanzhou No.5 Middle School. He has been pre-admitted by one of the renowned universities due to his outstanding academic performance. He is proficient in English with a remarkable TOFEL score of 110. As a top student in his class, Yanqi is the designated interpreter for his foreign teachers at every teacher-parent meeting. He’s been playing football since primary school, and is an excellent player in the school football team.

黄彦祺家住泉州市区,了解晋江2020世中运。" data-aid="4163096" />

Early in 2018, Lin had participated in a one-week closed training program for foreign affairs staff organized by the Executive Committee for ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade. She had mastered sports terminology and learned how to communicate in English in scenarios like shopping, dining, and using medical care. She also taught herself knowledge on team reception, etiquette in cross-cultural communication, and foreign affairs protocols.

早在2018年,能够全身心投入其中。在锻炼自己的同时,田径、目前,并一路闯进福建赛区决赛," data-aid="4163057" />


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ISF Jinjiang 2020 Gymnasiade

launches licensing program


With the 18th ISF Gymnasiade (School Summer Games) – Jinjiang 2020 approaching, the licensing program has been seeing the Executive Committee’s efforts on marketing development. So far, the Committee has signed and is going to sign cooperation agreements with 15 sponsors, 9 authorized manufacturers included.



